The Anomalist bemoans [10-13-2013] the status of (non)discussion about Rupert Sheldrake’s idea of Morphic Resonance, Anomalist taking to task skeptics and others for not even giving the topic an iota of attention.
Our recent posting here about the possibility of plants being the flyers of UFOs, and the PSI experiments regarding botanical life in the book The Secret Life of Plants allows one to conclude that we (I) find the idea of Morphic Resonance a possibility.
The Sheldrakian idea that all of biology is connected in some way by a “force” or “resonance” and affected by that “resonance” in beneficial (or debilitating perhaps) ways.
But why, Anomalist asks, isn’t this a subject for discussion or debate in the circles that Anomalist pays attention to?
Out recent posting, after our Secret Life if Plants efflort, Ufological Bozos, tells Anomalist why there is no discussion of Morphic Resonance or anything else that requires intellectual ratiocination.
We get visitors here who get irked when we post things fringy or take them to task for comments that don’t address our posting – the off-topic syndrome.
We find ourselves dealing with UFO prima donnas, who think their views should be ours or that their views are magnificently created and should get attention by us directing our visitors to their blogs.
We (me mostly) are elitists.
We eschew the bumpkins who tried to insert their views and their egos here.
That Morphic Resonance and Rupert Sheldrake, among others, are ignored or their ideas are not explored doesn’t surprise.
The concept is edgy and complex, difficult for the simplistic minds of most (if not all) UFO aficionados.
UFOs attract a kind of person bereft of deep thought – us included sometimes.
The topic is a joke and treated as such by thinkers, academic and otherwise.
Trying to thrust deep-thought and rational discussion on the UFO crowd is like trying to capture the ocean with a bucket.
So, Anomalist….your distress is ours, but neither you nor us will have that distress assuaged by addressing it. UFO mavens are incompetent to comprehend their own stupidity and ignorance.
That’s just the way it is…..truly.
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