Peter Brookesmith in his 1996 book UFO: The Government Files[Barnes & Noble] provides a wealth of documents and information about government shenanigans when it comes to UFOs.
Most of the material is interesting, although I usually eschew books (except Nick Redfern’s) about government machinations involving UFOs.
However, in Mr. Brookesmith’s renderings of Dulce, MJ-12, and other far-fetched topics [Page 116 ff.], he includes paragraphs about a book by Bill Cooper in which Mr. Cooper colludes the conspiracy theories of the alleged Trilateral Commission (that one-world, dominating entity that purportedly controls all aspects of human society) with the UFO phenomenon, even indicting the U.S. Navy in the scheme of things.
Passing over the “nonsense” I saw on Page 118 this graphic of the supposed Trilateral Commission’s “Trilateral Insignia” – according to Cooper and elaborated upon in Cooper’s 1989 book, The Secret Government:
Isn’t that one of the disputed symbols that Lonnie Zamora saw on the side of his egg-shaped craft that landed in Socorro, New Mexico, April 24th ,1964?
Is Cooper’s insignia an extrapolation of the non-ballyhooed Zamora insignia, or something more?
Cooper then reports (via Brookesmith) that this is a symbol or insignia that appears on alien craft and uniforms [Page 118] – an AmerIndian teepee?
One can see why rational people become skeptical of all things ufological; the topic is rife with chimeras, fraud/hoaxes, and sheer insanity.
Real UFO researchers would have separated the wheat from the chaff long ago, but no, UFO researchers have been complicit in furthering the nonsense and, thus, we are surfeited today with a mélange or hodgepodge of material that has sunk the UFO phenomenon as far down as any topic can go – an absolute nadir of legitimate topicality.
No wonder Zoam Chomsky and Gilles Fernandez get so livid when the matter is brought up. It insults their intellectual demeanor.
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