The episode was about tall-tale teller Frisby, who was approached by two Men in Black (minus the hats) and who eventually got him aboard their flying saucer.
Planning to take him to Venus, he demurred and only escaped by playing his harmonica, the tones of which killed the aliens.
The episode's air-date of 1962 precludes it from being instrumental in the Betty/Barney Hill abduction but may have allowed for insertion of some elements in later abduction accounts: the interior of the saucer, the visage of the aliens, the escape or dropping off of the abductee as in the 1975 Travis Walton scenario.
While the images in the TZ story may have been incorporated into the repressed memories of those who recount abduction stories, those are just usable images that the unconscious minds would use to flesh out a neurological /psychological memory that is too painful to be made conscious: generally an unwanted sexual encounter (molestation).
There is little doubt in my mind that alien abduction accounts are repressed sexual memories that are pressing the unconscious to release.
However, the conscious mind can't allow such memories to appear in their pristine or real state, thus such traumatic episodes are disguised, as made clear by Freud and C.G. Jung, and spring forth in a way that seems acceptable to the abductee.
That abduction stories are, on the face of it, bizarre and psychotic-like, they still are less damaging to the psyche of the abductee than a recurrence of thee traumatic sexual event or events they suffered earlier in their lives, usually as a child, although their is some indication that unwanted sexual activity in adults or near-adults can also provoke repression, and therefore are only brought to consciousness by within a scenario that is basically devoid of sexual content.
Abduction accounts do have a sexual element sometimes, but the sexual aspects are reconfigured as medical procedures rather than outright sexual activity.
Using images from a television show or movie, or even a book or magazine article, assuages the psychological pain that derives from being sexually exploited by an unwanted person or persons.
Alien abductions are essentially dream associations, dredged up from the unconscious, which wishes, according to Jung's theory of Individuation, to make a person psychically whole.
That they are couched in alien or extraterrestrial garb and mise-en-scene is not psychologically unusual and certainly not proof that someone has been taken aboard a flying saucer of UFO.
Abductions are grist for psychiatry, not ufology.
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