I'm inserting, here, his commentary about the "event," the written account provided by Gaines Crook's son Joel. (Your thoughts, as usual, are welcome.):
Copyright 2014, Joel Crook
I was born in Ellisville in southeast Mississippi on May 7, 1923 and I never went more than 60 miles away from my birthplace until I was almost 18 years old. I lived at Ellisville until I was 10 years old. This area of Mississippi was at that time mostly agricultural and American Indian place and stream names abounded. Names like Talahoma, Talahalee, Talahasse, Bogahoma, Archusa, Chicasahay, Pachuta, Shubuta,
These incidents are not dirctly correlated with the abduction phenomena but may be found to be related if explored. I am not troubled by any sign of stress which might be related to the phenomena so I see no reason to explore them further than what I can remember.
The Doctor
When I was 5 years old (September 1928) my parents started me to school in the "Primer" which is now called kindergarten. Not more than a few weeks after school started, the County Health Dept. doctor came around to examine the children. I was born at home, delivered by a black midwife and had never seen a medical doctor in my life up to that time. My first look at the doctor was while he was looking into another child's nose with an examination instrument. I went into a total panic! I went around the corner from the room where the examinations were taking place to another room, jumped out the window and hid in the shrubbery. As I remember it, none of the children was crying or objecting to the examination, or even appeared to be afraid of it, but it caused me to utterly panic. After staying in the bushes for a while I knew I had to leave or I would be found and taken back to undergo the horror of all horrors! It has been over 64 years since that occurrence and I remember it as clearly as if it had been yesterday!
I knew almost nothing about the town where I lived but I did know where Joe Gilbreth's grocery store was. Joe Gilbreth was a friend if my Dad and I knew Dad probably would go by the store before he went home that night. Sure enough, Dad came by the store and by that time Joe had spotted me outside trying to hide as well as I could. This incident caused ny parents to decide that I was too young to start to school. I started in the first grade the next year and never had a physical examination for the whole 12 years I was in grammar and high school. In fact I was about 16 years old before I was treated by a medical doctor (for malaria).
About a year after the medical examination episode, We had moved to a house on the eastern side of Ellisville not far from where US Highway 11 was being built. I started to school that year. I remember that very well because in order to go to school I had to cross the Southern Railroad track. At about the time I went to school in the morning, a long freight train would be parked on a side track waiting for a passenger train to pass it on the single main track. The only way we could get to school was to crawl under the parked train or walk around it which would have added a mile to the trip. Once in a while the train would make a noise and give us a good scare that we would be run over!
The "Boat"
While the US Highway No. 11 was being built through Ellisville, there was a small creek that crossed the highway and so a bridge had to be built. They excavated the channel under the bridge and formed it up and poured the concrete before the road was built to the bridge. The channel of the creek was apparently changed in order to pour the concrete without being bothered by the water from the creek. When the bridge was completed, and before the creek was diverted into it, it had a basin under it and when it rained it filled with water. Some of the older boys built a "boat" which was like a box about three feet wide and five feet long, but it would float in the water with two or three small boys in it. I remember going under the bridge in the "boat" and saying to myself, "They can't get to me in here!". I have no idea within what context this statement was supposed to be. This memory did not return until over 60 years after it happened and I was reviewing some occurrences of my childhood.
The Woods
My maternal grandparents lived about a mile west of Ellisville on a 40 acre family farm. My Grandfather was a jack of all trades. He had been a blacksmith until the advent of the automobile and still had a blacksmith shop at his home. From one time to another my family would move in with my grandparents. One time also we lived in a house on a farm next door to their farm. Just north of my grandparents farm was a woods consisting mainly of old second growth long leaf pine. Us kids would go to these woods to play. There were some small hills in the woods. We would make little "sleds" by nailing a board seat and another board for a footrest on to an oak barrel stave. We would slide down the pine straw covered hills under the pine trees on the little "sleds" and the wax on the pine straw would glaze the barrel staves and make them as slick as if we were on snow. We could guide the "sled" by leaning one way or the other. We had great fun but one time we went and decided not to go again for some unknown reason. We never went back. I have no recollection of what could have happened that would have made us stop going to a place where we had so much fun.
When I was 10 years old our family moved to Quitman, MS in Clarke County about 45 miles northeast of Ellisville. I lived there until I was 17 1/2 years old and did most of my growing up there. For the last 6 years I lived about 2 miles east of town across Archusa creek. I spent an inordinate amount of time in the woods. I would just walk through the woods, swim in the creek and sometimes paddle a boat around in the creek. I didn't like to fish unless I got hungry and then sometimes I would fish for a fish to eat, if I had some salt and something to cook it in. Sometimes in the spring the creek would flood and the water would be over 6 feet deep above the bridge and almost a mile wide. Sometimes during a flood I would paddle around in the boat and rescue small animals from tree stumps and fence posts and take them to higher ground. There was a railroad used by the Long Bell Lumber Co. to haul logs from the little town of Crandall about 12 miles east of Quitman to the sawmill at Quitman. The railroad had a trestle across Archusa creek. When the flood came the trestle was almost always out of the water so I used to walk over it to get to town during a flood. They ran a train only twice per week on the railroad. Once I had a very vivid dream that there was a flood and I was sitting on the trestle in the middle of the big expanse of water and the devil slowly surfaced out of the water. I had my .22 rifle with me and I took aim and shot him in the head and he slowly sank back into the water.
I also spent a lot of time in some high woods where there was only one very small creek. In the high woods I mainly cut firewood for the family to burn in the cookstove and fireplace as some power lines had been put through it and there was plenty of wood already cut down in the right of way. The owner was glad to get rid of the downed wood as it improved the land for cattle pasture.
The "Thing"
Years later an incident happened that could possibly be related to the abduction phenomena. I was working for the EI duPont de Nemours Co. at the Atomic Energy Commission's Savannah River Plant near Aiken, SC as an Instrument Shift Engineer at the 105-P nuclear reactor facility. his happened in April of 1954. I was married and had three small sons, Mark, 6, David, 3, and Joel 4 months.
At the time we had bought a piece of land near the intersection of county highways 37 and 39 in Barnwell County, SC just west of Springfield and were living in a house trailer at the site of where a house had burned down. The trailer was crowded and in an effort to expand the living space, I had started to build a small house about 40'X20' next to the trailer. The foundation and subfloor was finished but the upper part had not yet been completed.
I was working second shift at the time from 3pm to 11 pm. I got home after 12 midnight. My wife, Bettie, was upset because there was a strange smell present and she thought it was the Freon refrigerant leaking out of the refrigerator. The smell smelled similar to rotten oranges. She insisted that we move the refrigerator out of the trailer on to the floor of the yet unfinished house. The refrigerator was not a small trailer unit but a full size 14 or 15 cubic foot model and was very heavy. I didn't like the idea of moving it but she insisted. Well, we got it moved and it began to sprinkle rain about the time we got it moved. We finally got to bed very late.
Later that night Bettie woke up and looked toward the other end of the trailer where the children slept and saw an unbelievable sight! There floating in the air about five feet off the floor was this "thing" that glowed with sort of a golden color about the brightness of the moon and looked like a jellyfish. the central part was about 6" in diameter and it had shimmering tentacles hanging down below. She called my name trying to wake me up but I didn't wake up so she turned towards me (to the right) and there curled around my neck was another of these things! She said "Oh my God". She felt a flash of intense heat over her whole body and pulled the cover over her head. She was unconscious until we both woke up the next morning! I slept through the whole thing. She told me about what had happened and it sounded incredible to me. She was wearing a nylon hair net when it happened. The next morning the hair net was found to have melted and was matted into her hair. I had to pick it out a piece at a time! Now nylon begins to melt at about 470°F and the bits of hair net showed that they had been at a much higher temperature than the minimum temperature because of the tiny size of the droplets of nylon. The hair net appears to have exploded in an extreme burst of heat. We could not think of anything that could account for the heat flash and unconsciousness. We kept this to ourselves and didn't tell anyone about it. Several times later we smelled the same odd smell but never had any indication of a reoccurrence of a similar kind of incident and never saw the "things" again.
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