Lynn Picknett, a former Deputy Editor of the weekly “The Unexplained” and co-author of several books about fringe topics, wrote The Mammoth Book of UFOs [Carrol Ɛt Graf, NY, 2001].
The Mammoth Book has an extensive Chapter [Three] on Roswell, Pages 193-252. Ms. Picknett provides elusive material about the Roswell event, much of it not known, even by Roswellians.
She shows gaffes by Randle/Schmitt, Friedman, Moore, Berliner et al. but also provides what they did right.
Her elaboration of the MOGUL scenario cleans up that mess for me and defuses the nonsense about the alleged missing July 4th launch that Randle and Rudiak hang their hats on.
And in the context of the time, which Don should like, she writes this:
“ …In 1947 Marcel does seem to have been genuinely mystified and excited by what he had found. But could he really have thought that a bundle of tin foil, rubber, and sticks, no matter how unfamiliar, came from a ‘flying disc’? From today’s standpoint the suggestion seems absurd. Would anyone think that a spacecraft would be constructed of such flimsy material? But it must be remembered that in 1947 ‘flying saucer’ and ‘flying disc’ were not yet synonymous with ‘alien spaceship’. [sic] They were part of a very new phenomenon, barely two weeks old, which had not yet been associated with outer space. The prevailing view was that they were some secret terrestrial device -- whether Russian or American -- and therefore could have been made of anything.” [Page 239 ff.]
I would suggest that some Roswellians get this book and review Chapter Three or find another credible accounting of the supposed 1947 incident and refresh their mucked up knowledge of what really happened.
Such a re-look at the story might dissuade the Pro-ET crowd from continuing to place misinformation online here and at such blogs as Kevin Randle's.
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