Nick Redfern, in his latest book, Close Encounters of the Fatal Kind, provides intriguing material about the 1959 “suicide” of M.K. Jessup, astronomer and UFO proponent who was (in)famous for his involvement in the alleged Philadelphia Experiment.
Nick offers material which suggests that Jessup was either murdered (my take on Jessup’s death) or he committed suicide by being subjected to mind manipulation techniques of a U.S. agency (likely the CIA). [Chapter 7 of his book, Page 69 ff.]
That some U.S. government agencies or sub-sets of the U.S. military were experimenting with mind altering techniques in the 1950s is substantiated by a number of documents and disclosures (which you can locate on the internet, from reliable, credible sources, Nick providing many of those sources in his book).
That the government often acts in nefarious and dastardly ways is a given, or those seeking out such machinations.
This is not conspiratist (or conspiratorial) inklings from the minds of paranoiacs.
The New Yorker piece “A Valuable Reputation: The plot to discredit an outspoken researcher” [February 10th, 2014, Page 52 ff.] provides ample examples of what even a nominally benign agency (The E.P.A.) will resort to in order to quiet or destroy someone who is shaking the status quo.
That the military or NSA or CIA would be even more ruthless is understandable and known to cognoscenti.
The UFO underbelly, while not my purview, is grist for those who want to know why or how the government reacts to UFO sightings and witnesses who get involved with the topic in serious ways.
Nick’s book is an exceptional resource for those who wish to understand what went on in Roswell and with other notable UFO events or sightings.
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